Saturday, October 3, 2009

Give Yourself an Immunity Boost

In my last order we tried two new products (new for us at least).

Defend and Resist - an immunity booster you take when you first start to feel not so good. I used it for the kids this month and WOW! I could definitely see a difference. A cough and a sneeze that would have surely progressed into a cold were both suppressed after a couple days. They are chewable and have a berry taste. My son loves them like candy. My daughter does not like the taste, but I can either get her to chew it with a vitamin C, crush it and add to applesauce (it turns a cool purple), or make it into a tea with honey. My husband has also been taking them because he has started back substitute teaching. He really feels like they have helped.
Chewable Vitamin C - These are always great to have during the winter especially when we are not eating as many fresh fruits and vegetables. I give the kids one everyday and three a day (one with each meal) when they seem to be getting sick. Each table is the equivalent of 1 1/2 oranges.

I really think I am going to start giving them both to the kids after church and MOPS each week - just in case! HAHA

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Preventing Swine Flu (H1N1) and other viruses

Many people are concerned about getting sick. So what can you do to stay healthy and boost your immune system during the winter months?

NutriFeron - Boosts the bodies natural interferon production .
Immunity Formula I® - Provides the essential nutrients for healthy immune function.
Sustained Release Vita-C® - Our bodies can not store it. To make it available, we need it at regular intervals.

Defend & Resist Complex - Four clinically proven immune-supporting ingredients: echinacea, black elderberry, larch tree, and zinc.
Chewable Vita-C® - fresh citrus flavor

Don't wait until you get sick, start building your immune system now to fight off these daily attacks.

Audio Files
How to Have a Healthy Immune System

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

You must bookmark this Reference link

I also have a link I would like to pass on. You have to set up a registration but is is well worth the 2 minutes. This site was originally intended for doctors, but anyone can register. There is an abundance of information. My favorite is the Tools and Resources sections. I use it frequently to help me figure out how best to keep my family healthy. The Conditions and Diseases section is very informative and is from a third-party so it does not specifically mention Shaklee products. The treatment options covers conventional medicine, supplements, herbal, aromatherapy, diet & lifestyle, acupuncture & acupressure, homeopathy, and traditional Chinese medicine. I always check it before I take one of my kids or myself to the doctors office. I hope it is helpful for you as well.

Even if you don't use Shaklee products, you will benefit from the wealth of wisdom.

Thinking about taking a supplement? How will it interact my other medications, supplements, etc? No fear. Just look it up and get the low down.

Use to for yourself, pass it on to others. This is a good place to be better informed about our health and choices for treatment.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

New Product Line

Shaklee has finally launched a new product line for babies and kids. It includes personal care products and vitamins.

Here is the new kid products video.

Here is the new baby products video.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Don't Miss Out!

Shaklee is offering a free membership ($19.95 value) with a 50 point purchase until May 22. This is your chance to get 15% off the SRP and try some new products. There is a 100% guarentee if you are not satisfied with your purchase. If you need help getting started, please contact me. See my previous post for full details.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Free Shaklee Membership! - a $19.95 value

Shaklee is offering a free membership when you make a purchase totaling 50 points or more. Just fill yout cart here with the items you would like to try and receive the free membership at checkout.

Email me here. I would love to help you figure out what products are right for you and your family.

Some suggestions!

Membership Benefits

  1. Savings of 15% on everything you buy
  2. Special promotions, offers, and discounts for even more savings
  3. Products designed for the highest levels of purity, potency, and performance backed by: $250 million invested in R & D 100 published clinical studies 83,000 annual product quality tests 100-point inspection, award-winning pharmaceutical-grade manufacturing facility
  4. Unconditional money-back guarantee
  5. Exclusive access to our Web site with extensive health and wellness news reviewed by the expert Shaklee Health Sciences team
  6. The convenience of setting up Shaklee AutoShip for automatic product delivery

Never heard of Shaklee? What is it?
Since its formation in 1956, Shaklee has been a leading provider of premium quality, natural, environmentally friendly nutrition, personal care, and household products. The Shaklee brand is synonymous with high quality and efficacy, representing one of the most well established names in the nutritional supplement and direct selling industries. The company's strong and loyal customer and distributor base has supported the company over the last 49 years. With a robust product portfolio, more than 45 patents and patents-pending worldwide, Shaklee operates in Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico and the U.S., and has over 700,000 members worldwide. Shaklee products reflect the company's commitment to the highest quality, service and customer satisfaction, backed by a 100% guarantee*.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wonder Ball Complete Laundry System Giveaway

So I know you are asking yourself, "How in the world does doing my laundry apply to being healthy and proactive?" Well I am glad you asked. What are all those chemicals that we use? I can't pronounce most of them. Remember, our skin is our largest, most vunerable organ. Let's take care of it. This laundry systems helps virtually eliminate the need for laundry detergent. It saves money, waste, and can be used for many tasks around the house. Check it out for yourself. Actually, click the linked title and enter to win the entire system for yourself.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Food Dehydrator Giveaway

So have you ever wanted some strawberry slices for your cereal in the winter, or some peaches for your oatmeal.? Well now you can have your favorites year around if you dehydrate them. It is convenient, nutritional and it saves lot of money. Follow the link over to the site that is giving one a way. A $249 value could be yours for just the small sacrifice of a few minutes of your time.

So what does this have to do with your health? EVERYTHING!!! Are you ready to start eating healthy but think it has to taste horrible. Think about all the easy snacks you could prepare to replace that bag of chips or box of cookies (whatever your weakness!) Remember, eating health is a process. Start by replacing one soda (even the diet ones) with a glass of water or some setlzer with a splash of 100% fruit juice. Or just change from white bread to soemthing with whole grains. Our store brand carries a 100% Whole White Wheat variety that the kids can't even tell the difference. Would baking my own bread be better? Yes, but I am not there yet. You do not have to do it all at once. Small steps in your diet can have a huge impact.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

What is all this BPA free stuff about anyway?

Are you confused about the safety of certain plastics? I sure am. I linked the title for you to a resource that breaks down a recent JAMA study. Decide for yourself!

The article also includes suggestions for reducing your exposure to BPA.

Shaklee does not take any chances. All the packaging for their products are BPA free.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Survey Data on Lead in Women's and Children's Vitamins

In early 2007, FDA became aware of reports of elevated lead levels in certain vitamins, which became an issue of concern to FDA, Congress, and the public.

Check here to see if your brand is on the list.

Don't buy vitamins from any company that can't prove purity testing. You'll notice Shaklee is NOT on this list, but GNC, Kirkland, Nature's Sunshine, Stuart Prenatal, etc. are listed. As a reminder.... Shaklee performs over 83,000 separate tests for purity, safety and effectiveness on their nutritional products alone each year.

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