Thursday, January 29, 2009

What is all this BPA free stuff about anyway?

Are you confused about the safety of certain plastics? I sure am. I linked the title for you to a resource that breaks down a recent JAMA study. Decide for yourself!

The article also includes suggestions for reducing your exposure to BPA.

Shaklee does not take any chances. All the packaging for their products are BPA free.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Survey Data on Lead in Women's and Children's Vitamins

In early 2007, FDA became aware of reports of elevated lead levels in certain vitamins, which became an issue of concern to FDA, Congress, and the public.

Check here to see if your brand is on the list.

Don't buy vitamins from any company that can't prove purity testing. You'll notice Shaklee is NOT on this list, but GNC, Kirkland, Nature's Sunshine, Stuart Prenatal, etc. are listed. As a reminder.... Shaklee performs over 83,000 separate tests for purity, safety and effectiveness on their nutritional products alone each year.

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