Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wonder Ball Complete Laundry System Giveaway

So I know you are asking yourself, "How in the world does doing my laundry apply to being healthy and proactive?" Well I am glad you asked. What are all those chemicals that we use? I can't pronounce most of them. Remember, our skin is our largest, most vunerable organ. Let's take care of it. This laundry systems helps virtually eliminate the need for laundry detergent. It saves money, waste, and can be used for many tasks around the house. Check it out for yourself. Actually, click the linked title and enter to win the entire system for yourself.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Food Dehydrator Giveaway

So have you ever wanted some strawberry slices for your cereal in the winter, or some peaches for your oatmeal.? Well now you can have your favorites year around if you dehydrate them. It is convenient, nutritional and it saves lot of money. Follow the link over to the site that is giving one a way. A $249 value could be yours for just the small sacrifice of a few minutes of your time.

So what does this have to do with your health? EVERYTHING!!! Are you ready to start eating healthy but think it has to taste horrible. Think about all the easy snacks you could prepare to replace that bag of chips or box of cookies (whatever your weakness!) Remember, eating health is a process. Start by replacing one soda (even the diet ones) with a glass of water or some setlzer with a splash of 100% fruit juice. Or just change from white bread to soemthing with whole grains. Our store brand carries a 100% Whole White Wheat variety that the kids can't even tell the difference. Would baking my own bread be better? Yes, but I am not there yet. You do not have to do it all at once. Small steps in your diet can have a huge impact.