Saturday, August 29, 2009

Preventing Swine Flu (H1N1) and other viruses

Many people are concerned about getting sick. So what can you do to stay healthy and boost your immune system during the winter months?

NutriFeron - Boosts the bodies natural interferon production .
Immunity Formula I® - Provides the essential nutrients for healthy immune function.
Sustained Release Vita-C® - Our bodies can not store it. To make it available, we need it at regular intervals.

Defend & Resist Complex - Four clinically proven immune-supporting ingredients: echinacea, black elderberry, larch tree, and zinc.
Chewable Vita-C® - fresh citrus flavor

Don't wait until you get sick, start building your immune system now to fight off these daily attacks.

Audio Files
How to Have a Healthy Immune System